Rectal Artesunate Information Education Communication Intervention Study
The overall goal of MMV's study is to support the continuum of care from the community to the referral health centre through the introduction of a quality IEC toolkit
The study hypothesizes that the IEC toolkit will;
- increase early presentation at the HSA for RAS pre-referral treatment
- will improve CHW/HSA diagnosis, treatment and referral of danger signs
- and in turn enhance prompt compliance with referral instructions by caregivers.
The RASIEC study has been designed as a single country – 2 district - cohort study with an exposed (intervention) arm receiving the RASIEC toolkit and the unexposed (control) arm receiving no IEC intervention. The two arms of the study will be investigated at baseline and then observed, to determine the caregiver and HSAs attitudes, behaviours and practices in response to an event of suspected severe malaria either at the household or VHC respectively, with or without exposure to the RASIEC toolkit.
RASIEC Datasets
Access to the study datasets.
You can access the access the study datasets by completing the registration form.
RASIEC Study Database
A web-based database has been designed for the RASIEC study.
You can access the database by clicking on the link below